After a year of drought, it is now raining and raining. The Bereko Garden Group has been working hard. The tomatoes and onions are doing well but the planting of the bananas and papayas has been delayed because, as soon as the holes were dug, they were filling up with water. This video was taken in mid May. The Kondoa District Commissioner and the District Development Officer have visited the project and we hear that they were very impressed with progress. Other groups have visited from neighbouring villages too. This is exactly what we hoped for – that these methods could provide good practice examples for other communities too. Now, the dry season is approaching, and the irrigation system will come into use. The solar powered pump that they had been using to fill the water tanks from under the nearby riverbed isn’t strong enough, so we are helping to purchase a diesel-powered pump from Arusha. The pictures below show the irrigation being laid, seedlings being planted and holes being dug for bananas.