Kurasini Primary School, Bereko
A new Primary School is being built for Bereko children in Kurasini, to the south east of the village. It opened in 2014 with two teachers and has been adding a classroom a year for each new year's intake.
The Head Teacher is Anna Christoper Kimaro and the deputy Head is Martin Khunya Luther. We have known Anna for some time as she was previously a teacher at Bereko Primary School. Anna is a wonderful host and always makes us very welcome in her home on the school grounds.

The school's text books are provided by
Equip Tanzania.
The children work hard and are well disciplined in singing and marching, please do watch this
short video.
The letter below was presented to us by Anna in October 2018 and contains some basic statistics about the school which. then. had 455 students and eight teachers.

The school is in a beautiful location on the hillside, overlooking Bereko, but has no water supply. The children, some of whom walk two miles to school, bring water with them, for their own needs and for the school. The picture below shows a new classroom built in 2017, with support from the Bereko Community Partnership.

Katie Pointing from Paddock Wood Primary School presenting uniforms to Anna in 2016.