Fund raising
Thank yous
Over the years a number of organisations in Paddock Wood have been enormously helpful in supporting our fund raising activities.
Waitrose, Paddock Wood, has provided raffle prizes for our quiz nights and rolls for our soup lunches.
Mack Mulitples provided fruit for the cycle powered smoothie maker at the Paddock Wood carnival in 2016. This was designed to demonstrate how different life is in Bereko, compared to Paddock Wood where electricity is easy to use.

Fund raising
Each year, the Bereko Community Partnership organises a soup lunch; a refreshment stop at the Paddock Wood Half Marathon and a quiz night. We also have a stand at the Paddock Wood carnival, where our water carrying game is very popular (thanks to its builder, Peter Crouch). It stimulates good discussions with children and their families about the differences with accessing and using water here and in Bereko.

Below are pictures from the soup (and cake) lunch in February 2020. The first picture shows members of the Bereko Community Partnership, all of whom have visited Bereko: Sue Chalkley, Mary Smith, Barbara Farnham and Peter Crouch.

As it was February 14th, there was a valentine's theme!