Bereko Special Needs Primary School

This new facility for children with special needs provides education and accommodation for children who live in Bereko and the surrounding villages.
So far, it has two dormitories and two classrooms. Transport is a major problem, with many children having to be carried by their parents. Most of the children will board, returning to their homes for the school holidays. The children will receive good meals and be very well cared for - a special advantage in times of drought and hunger.
This school has long been the dream of Laurencia Mallya, previous head teacher of the Primary School. Following a visit to Paddock Wood in 2008, she undertook a year's training in special needs education. She then visited homes in Bereko to discuss the value of education with the families and build a school roll.
Since then, the District Education office has provided much encouragement in supporting the government provision of new buildings and, to come, a water supply. In October 2018, two dormitories and two classrooms were completed but the school could not be used until water had been provided. A new pump and new pipework was being installed, which would run through the town centre and Primary Schoool grounds - so benefitting many more poeple han just the Special Needs school.

Laurencia in one of the new classrooms.

Being shown around the new dormitories

During our visit in 2016, Laurencia received much encouragement from Cats Smith, a special needs teacher who had first inspired her in 2008, during Laurencia's visit to Paddock Wood.