Palm crosses

The Christians in Bereko Parish are making palm crosses for sale as a way of creating an income for the work of the church. The current major project is the construction of a clergy house in Kikilo, where the church is growing rapidly.
All the necessary approvals have been achieved from HMRC, the Forestry Commission and Defra Animal and Plant Health Agency and the crosses, being light, can easily be brought back to the UK within the luggage of those who visit Kondoa over the year.
In 2019, 15,000 crosses were brought back and we hear that as many again have already been made for next year! So far, 3,800 have been sold to other churches and 10,000 have been sold to Church House Bookshop, Westminster.
The crosses can be purchased at £9.00 for 50, please contact Barbara Farnham by email at:
Delivery of 10,000 crosses to Church House Bookshop February 2020