Our relationship with Bereko is very much a friendship but, still, there are times when we want to support projects in Bereko, in partnership with the community. We manage our funds carefully and only make decisions about expenditure with the approval of the Committee.
Funds that are donated will either be transferred direct to Bereko or taken to Bereko with a visit team.
We also transfer funds, where appropriate, via Rochester Diocese for inclusion in the monthly transfers to Kondoa Diocese. These funds are managed by the Diocesan staff in Kondoa.
We are in regular communication with people in Bereko, mostly by text or WhatsApp, and receive reports and photographs as projects progress.
Please contact our Treasurer, Peter Crouch if you would like to donate to the Bereko Community Partnership funds. His email address is:
Alternatively please donate direct into our Crowd Funder page
here. This page is always open for donations, including those made after 28th April 2024 (
the deadline had to be inserted for a technical reason only).