Bereko Primary School
Bereko Primary School has 1,600 pupils. It has a new Headteacher, Salimu Mwahu, and a deputy Head that we know well, Hussein Iddi Hussein. Hussein is second from the left in this picture, taken in 2013.
During our visit in 2016, we met Primary School teacher, Mr Lukas, who was unable to walk following an illness. Between that visit and our following visit in 2018, we located Mobility Care in Arusha and arranged for a custom handcycle to be made for Mr Lukas. This handcycle was funded by generous private donors.
The pictures below show Mr Lukas in 2016 with Katie Handley and Cats Smith, and then, in 2018, delighted with his new handcycle and the freedom and independence it now provides.

Rachael Reedman showing Primary School teachers some UK teaching methods using locally available materials.