Paddock Wood Primary Academy
Paddock Wood Primary Academy wesbite is available here.
Paddock Wood Primary Academy started its link with Bereko Primary School in 2007 when a teacher, Nicola Budgen, visited Bereko with others from the community. Now, the children learn about life in Bereko and this interest continues as they move on to Mascalls Academy for their secondary education.
The warm welcome from Bereko Primary School in 2007.

In 2008, two teachers from Bereko visited Paddock Wood Primary School and enjoyed learning about our culure and teaching methods.
Laurencia Mallya (Bereko Primary School Headteacher) and Faith Msema (teacher and church elder) in assembly.

African drums played by the children, as they learn about life in Bereko.

The students have benefitted greatly over the years from the relationship wth Bereko. Every year the school has sent outgrown school uniform to Bereko students, which has been especially welcome as children are unable to attend school if their families cannot afford the uniform. Students have exchanged letters and learned about each others' family lives. The children have even learnt the Bereko school song!
Other initiatives over the years have included Friendship Friday, where the children made friendship bracelets, which were taken to Bereko and the Bereko children made bracelets in return.

In 2013, the school made two hand print banners for Bereko, to show its support and the children helped to make teaching and learning resources, which Rachael Reedman and Nicola Budgen took to Bereko.
The resources were used for teaching seminars that provided the teachers in Bereko with information about latest teaching practices. These seminars also provided encouragement as the teachers work in very diffcult circumstances, with poor facilities and amid great poverty. On their return they organised a Taste of Tanzania day, at which the school (along with Mascalls Academy) had a 'No Power Hour' and the children tried Ugali.

After every trip, the teachers show the children pictures and videos and always emphasise an aspect that fits with topics of learning, for example, transport. Classrooms have been decorated with African artifacts and the children taught about daily life for children in Bereko.
In 2015, Rachel Reedman led the school's successful application for the International Schools Award, Intermediate Level. This was a well deserved external recognition of how the school's link with Bereko Primary School had developed over the years and was benefitting the children (and the teachers and parents!) as they learned about life in a community overseas.
The picture below shows the float at Paddock Wood carnival in 2015, jointly created by the Primary Academy and Mascalls Academy - this won an award! The theme was water availablity. 
Rachael Reedman, playing netball with the children and presenting a gift from Paddock Wood Primary School to Bereko Primary School

Katie Handley gifting school uniform in 2016 on behalf of Paddock Wood Academy.